for the sweet toothnixon
A night in the life of me:
6:45 pm - leave work stopping by reception desk to unscrew the top of the gumball machine and grab out a palmful. Immediatly shove gumballs into mouth. Get into car. Blast KOST 103.5. Try unsuccesfully not to sing along. Consider stopping to buy Sour Patch Kids. Reconsider on the side of laziness.

7:00pm - Arrive home. Park. Check mail. Throw junkmail onto couch. Tear into Netflix, throw onto coffee table. March into kitchen, furiously wash half of the dirty dishes. [This number is equal to the total number of dishes I own.] Pre-heat oven in preparation for baking of huge mound of french fries. Shove fries in oven.

7:15 - Remove three days worth of dirty laundry from bathroom floor, throw in hamper without a cohesive plan for laundering.

7:30 - Sit down in front of computer. Furious log in to gmail account. Eff up the password, per usual. Get in on third try. Delete various google alerts and recipe mailing lists. Stare at email argument with ASSHAT THE UNHOLY from last week for 5 solid minutes. Mechanically hork down huge mound of fries.

7:45 - Suddently remember KH is coming to fetch me for Top Model. Scramble to change into something presentable. Fail.

7:46 - KH arrives. Drive around Silverlake lost for 10 minutes.

8:02 - Arrive to Mike and Dana's just in nick of time.

8:59 - Choke back happy tears as Danielle becomes AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL. :D

9:30 - Get dropped off at Spaceland by KH. Find Tim. Enter Spaceland. Watch show, say Hi to people. Drink three vodker soders. Give out phone number to other drunk girl who shares a similar ASSHAT THE UNHOLY story.

1 am - Get dropped at home by Tim. Go inside. Lay on bed. Fall asleep fully-dressed-shoes/lights-on style.

4am - Wake up sweaty. Remove sweater . Remove contacts. Throw on floor. [Shoes have removed themselves.] Get crabby about the lights being on but ignore. Fall back asleep.

7:45am [7:25] - Stir to the sound of alarm clock. Mistake it for the sound of a truck backing up. Fall back asleep.

7:47am [7:27]- Get pissed off by truck backing up for two straight minutes. Realize it's alarm. Recall that the bedroom clock has been set ahead 30 minutes. Hit snooze. Fall back asleep.

7:57am [7:37]- Stir to the sound of alarm clock. Get crabby about alarm clock. Turn off alarm. Fall back asleep.

8:30am [8:00] - Wake up. Call out to nobody in particlar, "HOLY SHIT." Remember early conference call. Run to shower panicked. Do bad job on hair. Okay job on outfit.

8:20am [real time] - Head South on 101 freeway at 90 mph. Give mean look to truck going slow in fast lane as I pass on the right.

8:35am - Arrive to work. Set off alarm. Decide to ignore. Run downstairs to desk. Pick up phone. Join call. Try explain blaring alarm in background.

- the day has begun -

18 May 2006 - 1:23 PM

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Oh, brother.