for the sweet toothnixon
Today, for the first time in my life, I was shat on by a bird. Yup. He got me, shat right on my shoulder.

It must have happened this morning on my walk with Eva. Whenever she sees a group of pigeons hoggling over some old popcorn or, as they were this morning an inexplicable slice of orange birthday cake, she likes to storm their group and bite at them as they fly away.

Many birds have no doubt tried before but in 29 years only one bird got through. Congrats little birdie, under different circumstances my hat would be off to you.

Incidentally, I asked for and was granted a promotion this morning... BEFORE, noticing the big white splotch on my shoulder.

Kinda makes me rethink my whole "wearing clean clothes to work" strategy... you know?

12 November 2008 - 2:15 PM

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Oh, brother.