for the sweet toothnixon
I love the look of my page now. Its more me. I especially love the little kids-style drawing of la llarona. If I could be anything in this life I would a Latin American artist. Circumstances being what they are, (me having been born of Irish-German descent in St. Louis, Missouri and having no apparent artistic skill to date) I will instead settle on being a Latin American art lover. Why do I love it? Well for starters, I saw one sculpture from Brazil that used only trash rescued from the back alleys of bourgeois globalists. It looked great, probably because most of it wasn't really trash just discards. Every work carries an inherent political statement. I think sometimes these statements aren't conscious but are just as much a part of creating art as a brush and canvas. It is like this,

inherent political statements:Latin American artists::bowls of fruit:Euro still lifers..

(Although I must say I have lost myself in a still life or two.) (Another disclaimer, Spanish art has an extreme brutality all its own that you just have to adore.)

Why am I rambling on and on about art. I am not the kind of person who talks about art or music or literature. I am the kind of person who goes around giving opinions from left field on these modern times and how they're are "just so fucked up." (A quotable quote from last evening as a matter of fact.) I am the kind of person who goes around convincing people of my amateur conspiracy theories while failing to mention the amateur part. Doing nobody any good, that is what I go around doing.

I am also the kind of person who instead of working at their temp job site, sits in a remote conference room drinking cup after cup of god awful office coffee and feigns interest while their co-workers ramble tediously on about how their third wife, the one they met on the internet, is by far the best one yet and why. (By the way, this is the same man who shared with me the statistic that 80% of the world's population has an IQ below 100. As he elaborated I sat silently, staring at him, wondering which portion he fell into. The word "masses" came to mind.) I'm sure glad I ditched that temp gig.

I am blessed with only brilliant friends and acquaintances. I don't know where I come in but everyone I know is extraordinary. Me, I am just some short-waisted girl whose entire wardrobe fits improperly and who is a long ways(maybe too far to travel in one lifetime) from being any kind of societal pillar. The founding fathers would have put me up for adoption. Come to think of it they would have burned us all at the stake. (Hey, don't do us any god damned favors!)

11 June 2002 - 10:57 AM

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Oh, brother.