for the sweet toothnixon
Okay. Fine. I will tell you what I did on Friday night.

So I went to see one of our artists perform at The Whiskey. I arrived unescorted which I find gets me into trouble each and everytime I do it. I am considering discontinuing the practice.

In typical publicist fashion I arranged for a few journalists of sorts to attend the show and talk to the band.

Their manager lowered himself to my plane just long enough for me to ask him to point out who these journalists were so I could introduce myself. I only found the one from a website whose name includes the words rock roll and sex but not in that order.

He was there with a cohort or a "plus one" if you will and the too of them were all about the alcohol. ALL ABOUT IT I tell you. They kept feeding me alcohol, drink after drink after drink so that by the time the show had ended I was in no shape to drive.

shucks I can't finish right now. I have to get back later.

02 December 2002 - 8:00 PM

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Oh, brother.