for the sweet toothnixon
On one car ride I witnessed two people getting out of their cars while stopped at red lights. One young man, and I think he is my favorite of the two, got out of a shiny, new, silver, BMW, dressed in a shiny, new, silver, jogging suit, talking on a shiny, silver cell phone, to open his trunk and change the CD. There was a man experiencing freedom.

The second person who got out of their car when stopped at a red light was a middle aged woman with stirrup pants and a map. She actually got out of the passenger side door and walked up to a taxi that was one car-length in front of her. This woman shoved the map into the window of the taxi and then a few seconds later ran around the other side of the car and hopped in!

I guess that's kind of a boring story but both of these cars where directly in front on me on La Cienga and I saw them both in a matter of maybe five minutes. I just got the impression that this practice had just tonight been added to the list of socially acceptable behaviors.

Lately, I have been thinking about moving again. I think I need to. I think I want to move to the desert outside of Lone Pine, California and live in a trailer and wait tables at a 24-hour roadside restaurant. Wow...what an original idea right? Yeah...right. But I don't care, I have wanted to do that for years.

I might be stir crazy, I might be lazy, I don't really know. There may be a need somewhere inside of me for a personal challenge. Although wherever I go the real issues are going to be there with me. Leaving would only be temporarily taking attention away from the things broken inside of me.

06 April 2003 - 9:18 PM

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Oh, brother.