for the sweet toothnixon
I just found out today that Melissa from the Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes thing lives in my apartment complex.

In fact, she held the gate open for me as I went to work this morning. I barely looked at her and mumbled a thanks but I knew it was her by her cheekbones.

I have seen her once before, I stood behind her in line at MY Longs Drug Store in San Diego. Yes it was MINE and so was the bar that John Stamos decided to film one of his crappy made-for-TV movies in front of. When I went in the bar, there was no camera crew. When I emerged from the bar four to five drinks later there was an entire freaking movie set worth of people who acted pissy toward me, all complaining how I had ruined a shot.

Here's an idea...let the people inside an establishment know when you'll be filming an over-dramatized fight scene between two pretty boys outside so they don't come out in the middle of it, you dum dum suckers. I got even though by bad mouthing John Stamos and his android, blank-behind-the-eyes, Rebecca ROMAINE (not rojimin) all the way down the street! "Oh! Well...if Uncle Jesse is filming a movie the whole fucking world has to stop I guess" and such. That one got a few laughs from the crew members.

Lucky for me, they were there to give me an audience, otherwise I would have been just another drunk stumbling down the sidewalk in a downtown slum complaining how John Stamos is poisoning the universe. There's lots of those you know, few of their voices are ever heard but they're out there and they're real.

Anyway, the point is, having her here is going to put a lot of pressure on me to stay on her good side. I mean, come on, we've all seen how she acts, she's a predator.

I'm as good as dead at this point.

28 April 2003 - 9:39 PM

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Oh, brother.