for the sweet toothnixon
i am starting to think that if your blood is boiling on the way to the OC and your blood is boiling on the way back from the OC, then you probably hate the OC.

Also, people in the OC don't like to KOST to 103.5 love songs at night. In fact, they dislike it so much that they wish it dead. KH1 and I were merely sitting in the band van outside of the club where Tom A's band played this evening, playing a little of the Kost and the manager came out and said to us, "Kill the music! Not everyone likes it." I suppose she could have been right but I definitely enjoyed it.

Somehow I always feel the urge to act up around teenagers, even when I was one myself I had an uncontrollable urge to be obnoxious. I actually think it is a sub-conscious effort to mock their beloved and worthless social rituals.

After the show at dinner I found myself obsessing over the outgoing message on my voicemail at work. To my extreme dismay, no one else found it interesting. I spent the rest of the evening with the words, "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat w-o-rrms" running through my head.

12 September 2003 - 1:32 AM

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Oh, brother.