for the sweet toothnixon
So I've been doing this new thing lately where I look at people. Casually, in conversation the other day at work, Nikki said, "...because, you know, I had to look at them, its rude to ignore people..." Something like that and it really planted a seed. I ALWAYS IGNORE EVERYONE. ALWAYS. EVERYONE. I IGNORE THEM.

I think its because my parents always gave me so much attention when I was a kid and told me I was pretty. I was a recluse back then, imagine my horror at this kind of treatment! Sheesh, the damage an uncaring parent can do! Just kidding.

So I started trying this new thing where I look at people and I'm sitting in my car at a stoplight at La Brea and Sunset and I am looking at this man sitting at the bus stop. He was wearing a tan jacket and a bald head. He saw me look, we subtly acknowledged each other for existing and then he looked at the movie ad that adorned the bus stop wall and I continued to look at the overall bus stop as an object, not at him directly. Then another man in a black t-shirt came and sat down next to the man in the tan jacket. He turned his head at 45-degree angle and stared at tan jacket. At that moment I was looking at black t-shirt, black t-shirt was looking at tan jacket and tan jacket was looking at the movie poster. Then tan jacket noticed black t-shirt looking at him and looked back. I looked at both of them. The they noticed me looking at them and looked at me back. I looked away.

On the whole, I felt good about the exchange. I found it to be...hmmm, I don't know...significant?

It was all very significant at the time. Then I went and bought more beer from Rite Aid.

Here I sit.

28 January 2004 - 11:38 PM

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Oh, brother.