for the sweet toothnixon


1991-1993. Braces. Rubberbands. No headgear.

1994-199??. Series of missed post-braces appts. Retainer switched at birth. 2.5 years of wearing braces nearly reversed by someone else's retainer until I stepped on it while wearing a soccer cleat. Fitted for new retainer. Teeth a little straighter, overbite perseveres.

2001-2003. It is discovered that drinking 'cappufrimos'or, whatever corresponding sponsored variety of iced coffee/sugar drink is available at 7-11s and Circle Ks, and then falling asleep with your face in a textbook night after night for a few years free of dentist visits can promote severe tooth decay. DIAGNOSIS: 1 ROUTE CANAL, 5 FILLINGS. COST: $2,000+ of college graduation money.

2002. Got gob with a company offering dental insurance.

2003. First time to the dentist since cavity flare up. It is discovered that my excessively hard, "guilt brushing" had caused my gums to receed.

January 2004. After two diagnostic vists with a periodontist and a deep cleaning treatment I am told I will need a skin graft to repair the gum tissue I had worn away with a toothbrush. Spend two weeks with blood spurting from between my teeth, post-op.

Feb 2004 to Apr 2005. Regular yet delicate dental hygiene so as not to disturb or tear out skin grafting.

Apr 2005. Visit to periodontist for a gum check up. It is discovered that my delicate dental hygiene style has been virtually ineffective and has put me at high risk for gum disease. DIAGNOSIS: Four seperate gum scalings. COST: yikes!

In 2 years I have gone from brushing too hard to not brushing hard enough.

14 April 2005 - 11:53 PM

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Oh, brother.