for the sweet toothnixon
Is it wrong of me not to keep a Live Journal in addition to my Diaryland diary? Probably. Dare I do take initiative to fix that glich? Absolutely not.

Drinking with the menfolk keeps a lady out late and ladies need their beauty sleep. But do they? Kate Moss is beautiful and you know she's doing worse things than staying out late drinking. Yet, she's a supermodel and well, I'm just not. I know this about myself. I accept it.

Ryan P. cleared something up for me. Thanks Ryan P. I might have needed to hear that from a lad such as yourself. It's easy to say things over the internet.

The first place I ate in Argentina was Plaza Del Carmen. Walking home from the Little Joy tonight I caught a phantom whiff of diesel fumes and thought I was back there for a second. I liked walking there at night. We were always all dressed up, I usually wore heels and we would end up at a jazz club and I was allowed to smoke. It was cold and foreign and the sidewalks were cracked. All things that I like. When we got home to the rented apartment I knew I could listen to a Beach Boys album. It was nice.

I like how I am a person who people think they are in love with and then aren't. What does that even mean? I don't even care.

29 December 2005 - 2:42 AM

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Oh, brother.