for the sweet toothnixon
I found six dollars in my pants pocket this morning making for a total of seventeen dollars that I have on my person.

Today I am feeling QUITE disinclined to deal with the compulsive harassment of a co-worker who will herein be referred to as Phillip. Phillip on Kim's suggestion and Phillip because I read on a name website that it means, "stupid idiot..."

How childish of me...

wait wait wait. NO! not how childish of childish of him!"

How childish of him to shirk his work responsibilities until there is downtime and then get on MY case about updating my online diary which he refers to as email, even though numerous times he has stared directly at this very screen I am using to compose this body of writing and asked me what I was doing. Actually his exact words were, "Hey, watcha workin' on?"(If I never hear those words again...) And in response to this irksome question I have explained to him that I am posting something on a website all five hundred times he has asked me. I guess some people think of the Internet as existing solely for the purpose of email and NFL stats. As these seem to be his only Internet needs, then fine...I guess Phillip is one of these people.

As I have said before, and to anyone who doesn't know, my name isn't Miss Molly, or little Molly. I have recently learned that Phillip's behavior towards me could be legally construed as sexual harassment. Although I will not institute a lawsuit, I will institute a bitchy attitude.

As Kim and I discussed our problems with our respective co-workers yesterday while walking to the 99 Cents Only store on Ventura Blvd., she stated that she does not think its a good idea to start trouble at work. Normally I don't believe in this either...BUT in this case if someone is going to open the door for me, I'll walk through.

In other news I have been thinking about changing my address here at diaryland to the crossing guard. I will have to think more about this.

14 August 2002 - 10:29 AM

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Oh, brother.