for the sweet toothnixon
On Saturday I went to the eye doctor. It was determined that my eye sight has worsened.

Every year the eyesight worsens. I am just waiting until I reach that point of legal blindness. You know what happens when you get to that point? You get everything you need for your eyes covered, in full, by your insurance.

At this point, I just have normal coverage for slightly abnormal conditions. Well the problem is that I need to have my lenses made from a condensed plastic so that they aren't too thick. Because if they were that thick I would be getting motion sickness all of the time because of some curvature or something. Anyway, lots of people have to do this, I am probably just more resentful about it than most.

BUT, these new contacts are GREAT! I can see EVERYTHING. It is so cool. It makes me thankful that I do have bad eyes so that I can appreciate 20/20 vision. It looks like the first clear morning after it has been raining for a few days and all of the dust and pollution have been washed off of everything man-made and into the ocean. And everything looks clean, and for two seconds you can stand to look at it. You know that feeling? Yeah, that's what I feel like today and it hasn't rained for at least a week. It's really neat. I am very happy about it.

Also, today I discovered that the comissary across the street from my office has begun selling Starbucks Fair Trade coffee. This is the best news ever, because I CANNOT drink office coffee. It is just impossible. So I have been forced to drink the Starbucks but today I didn't have to feel like the devil himself for doing it. (Note: I feel awful but continue to do it...something isn't matching up.) Although, I am not sure what Fair Trade actually translates to in actual civilian language. They probably say, "So in exchange for every mile of cash crop we steal from you, we will build YOU one Starbucks."

No, that's stupid. I don't know what they would say. But I do know that Tresa told me that Noam Chompsky drinks Starbucks coffee and if its good enough for Noam Chompsky then it damn well better be good enough for the likes of me.

And yes I have temporarily changed the name of this page. I have decided to embrace my true identity and go totally emo. This is all a result of going to see Doug Martsch on Friday. And I don't want to hear ONE word about it.


18 November 2002 - 10:35 PM

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Oh, brother.