for the sweet toothnixon
Today Nintendo sent My Chemical Romance two Special Edition Gameboys. Now...nobody was expecting them, so maybe they're a gift for me.

Blast it. I just got off the phone with the manager. I had to tell the truth, I just had to. It wouldn't have been right. But its not fair, not fair at all. Its like giving out valentines in elementary school, its expected that you bring one for everyone in the class.

I want a pretty gold Gameboy too!! Just because I'm not in a band and can offer no publicity for the product does not mean that I should be deprived of one.

PS, I took a job as a publicist for old, irrelevant artists. I will no longer be getting electronics and shoes sent to me. All temptation and desire for such material goods will be erased from my life. Just clean and natural from here on out. Good old fashioned publicity.

I'll probably be sending out a lot more faxes. I have a feeling in this territory everyone isn't ready to get on board with this "electronic mail."

Either way, office, title promotion, raise in base salary, no more assistant work. Boot camp's over.

Also, you might say that I am stagnant, unworldly, conservative, middle class, aspiring for mediocrity but I am cut out for a career. It is a faintly creative field that I'm in and well, I've tried many a time to be conservative, normal, orderly, organized and have failed a 1000 times over.

As for middle class, I am middle class, I will probably always be middle class and I don't strive to have the big house on the hill. I strive to have the bungalow that stands freely. DONE AND DONE.

I don't know what my goal for my 20s is but I think my goal for my 30s will be to become an expatriot of some sort.

20 December 2004 - 12:11 PM

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Oh, brother.